It was 31st December when WHO’s Country Office in the People’s Republic of China got the news from a media statement by Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, of a case of “viral pneumonia” in Wuhan, capital of Central China’s Hubei province. What seemed to be a “viral pneumonia”, after detailed studies were coined as a novel coronavirus, thus marking the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic.
How can technology enable efficient COVID-19 vaccine delivery?
By Swapnil Minz on Feb 8, 2021 1:27:23 PM
Lean Product Development: How to build apps without burning money
By Kunwar Jolly on Oct 7, 2020 4:06:26 PM
One in ten startups fail. Any guesses why?
Let’s set aside issues such as a lack of funding or poor marketing, and focus on the key reason–building a product that no one wants to use. 42% of startup failures happen because of an inferior product, not aligned with customers’ needs.
What is NoOps and Why it is the Future of the IT Industry
By Devi Singh on Sep 15, 2020 5:09:39 PM
The current trend of the IT industry is based on the principle of automation. This isn’t just hype because the marvelous effects of automating various tasks are widely known by now. Planning out the budget effectively and reducing maintenance costs are some of the deemed automation outcomes.
7 Amazing Examples of Image Recognition Apps
By Archna Oberoi on Aug 26, 2020 6:11:21 PM
Humans have exceptional power for image recognition. High-level image understanding, contextual knowledge, and the ability for parallel processing are some of the factors that contribute to precise recognition of objects, places, people, writing, and actions. However, humans develop these abilities over time and have a limitation as well. When it comes to recognizing images from a large set of data, human processing power might fail.
5 On-Demand Services that are on the Rise during the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Archna Oberoi on Aug 19, 2020 5:51:24 PM
COVID-19 pandemic has marked a downfall for several businesses and individual lives globally. Finance, retail, hospitality, travel are some of the industries that have been drastically impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. Moreover, the measures taken to prevent the spread of infection- lockdown and social distancing put the primary livelihood at a halt.
React vs. Angular vs. Vue: Which One is the Best for You?
By Nora Winkens on Aug 18, 2020 9:49:26 PM
Even in this dynamic and rapidly evolving digital world, JavaScript has withstood the test of time and is here to last for long. Due to its efficiency and flexibility, it can be deployed both on the server-side and the client-side, and can be used for developing mobile and web applications. No doubt, it is one of the widely accepted programming languages.
Why Flutter Uses Dart?
By Nora Winkens on Jul 29, 2020 5:33:11 PM
In 2011, Xamarin—a software company now owned by Microsoft—created a framework for hybrid mobile applications with C#. What made this new framework differentiate itself from others is its simplicity in creating a single code base that works across multiple platforms. After this, many frameworks have been introduced on the market, including Ionic, ReactJS, React Native, and many more.
5 eLearning App Ideas for EdTech Businesses
By Archna Oberoi on Jun 17, 2020 6:35:37 PM
eLearning is certainly the biggest hype during the COVID-19 outbreak. The education system, which is affected by the no-physical-movement is switching to at-home, online learning solutions. There are different ways education is delivered to the learners and Edtech businesses are cash in on it.
Live Video Streaming Apps: How they are Changing the eLearning Game?
By Archna Oberoi on May 25, 2020 6:15:00 PM
COVID-19 has introduced us to what was known as the ‘Virtual World’ and now is the reality we live in. The at-home workout sessions inspired virtual fitness studios, on-demand streaming apps encouraged virtual movie theatres, team collaboration tools created virtual workspace. Similarly, the eLearning platforms have created virtual classrooms that have been strongly backing the education system during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Video-On-Demand (VoD) or Live Streaming: What does your Business Need?
By Archna Oberoi on May 1, 2020 10:13:11 AM
Online videos are a go-to source for entertainment, inspiration, education, information, and a lot more. With videos gaining ground, different platforms to stream videos are brought to market to reach the viewers. Video-on-Demand (VoD) and Live Streaming apps are two of them.