We have, to this date, about 579,619 websites in the world running on Drupal. When we talk of the top 10k websites, 578 websites are on Drupal and you can see how this growth has been more than 200% from 2009 to 2016.
5 Drupal Modules You Are Probably Missing Out On
By Team Daffodil on Apr 12, 2016 4:32:15 PM
Headless Drupal - Explained
By Team Daffodil on Apr 7, 2016 2:26:17 PM
By this article, I would explain a very frequently heard term ‘Headless Drupal’ in Drupal technology, which is widely used in web development services now a days.
What Can eCommerce Expect in 2016?
By Team Daffodil on Mar 31, 2016 4:59:27 PM
2015 has been an impressive year for digital commerce, not least the record levels of online sales recorded over Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend. However, the consumer never stands still, and eCommerce will need to keep innovating into 2016 in order to grow in value.
Building an Engaging ECommerce App? Don’t Forget These Essential Tips
By Team Daffodil on Mar 29, 2016 3:31:32 PM
It’s never easy to create an enduring customer relationship and brand loyalty in the world, choices are endless and competition is tough.
How To Create Theme In Magento 2.0
By Ankita Agrawal on Feb 4, 2016 6:54:48 PM
Magento is undoubtedly one of the better web commerce portals available to the world. The key to Magento’s success is through the extreme ease of customizability and management that even tech novices can easily master.
The App-Only Mindset behind Flipkart’s #BigBillionDays
By Team Daffodil on Oct 13, 2015 11:39:29 AM
It is that time of the year again when Indians set out to do that one thing they love, and that is festive shopping! But instead of sprawling in the streets and haggling with dozens of shopkeepers, we now prefer leisure over movement. To feed this desire online commerce comes as a boon, shops like Flipkart, Snapdeal, Amazon are every shopper’s paradise. Harkening back to what I said earlier, even online commerce celebrates the festive season.
Setting up Multiple Websites, Stores & Views on Magento
By Ankita Agrawal on Sep 2, 2015 2:00:05 PM
Magento is such a magical portal. The many things a developer can work with using Magento is simply inspiring. There are hardly any two thoughts raised when someones says that Magento is the most trusted eCommerce portal in the world. Even Alexa puts about 10,000 Magento sites in the world’s top 1 million sites.
Creating Download Link to Direct File in Magento
By Ankita Agrawal on Jun 11, 2015 11:08:45 PM
One of the most beautiful parts of Magento lies in its usage. From the admin control you can basically oversee and spearhead any feature you wish to utilize. Though proper implementation and feasibility may seem difficult or impossible at times but even these intricate features can be utilized very adeptly.
Magento Checkout Problem - Custom Customer Attribute not Saved in Checkout Register
By Ankita Agrawal on Jun 5, 2015 3:24:55 PM
Adding custom customer attributes in Magento's default One Page Checkout is often cumbersome for developers. Most often programmers get stuck while resolving problems encountered in Magento checkout configuration, which is the most important aspect of an eCommerce website.
Drupal 8 Responsive Design: The 'Mobilegeddon' Survival Kit
By Team Daffodil on May 19, 2015 4:54:08 PM
Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal, was quoted while saying "If I were to start Drupal from scratch today, I'd build it for mobile experience first and desktop experience second".