Outsourcing is a practice that a lot of companies have adopted in the past few years. The primary objective of outsourcing is cost reduction. Companies are constantly on the lookout for reliable technology partners to add value to their projects. Nowadays companies have various additional motives for implementing the practice.
Devisha Singh

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Offshore Outsourcing: Hiring and Managing an Effective Team
By Devisha Singh on May 14, 2020 8:24:40 PM
6 tips to Maintain Security Standards while Working Remotely during the COVID-19 Outbreak
By Devisha Singh on May 12, 2020 11:28:18 AM
The world is fighting a pandemic for which the governments across the globe had to shut institutions that were coming in the way of implementation of social distancing norms. This led to a temporary closure of physical establishments for commercial complexes, educational institutions, non-essential retail stores, and a vast number of companies had to shut their office premises and provide its employees with the facility to work from home.
Expert Digital Guidance: How to Deal with the Impact of Covid-19 on your Large Enterprise
By Devisha Singh on May 11, 2020 12:46:09 PM
The global Coronavirus outbreak has forced mankind to alter our way of living in high magnitude. People have shut themselves in their houses in order to combat the life-threatening disease COVID-19. This has led to many organizations small or large struggling to find a way forwards as an economic crisis is also collateral damage that the pandemic has brought with it. Large enterprises are rethinking their plans and strategies while trying to tailor them according to the situation that the world is dealing with today. Every enterprise needs to make business decisions related to its infrastructure and resources faster while helping its customers maintain their mission-critical systems and processes in the midst of the crisis.
Daffodil Redefines Agility amid COVID-19 Crisis
By Devisha Singh on Apr 28, 2020 10:18:15 AM
Industry experts frequently speak about agility, as it has become the most popular buzzword nowadays. Agility, in simple terms, is the ability to use the fastest way to get new products to the market. This is the definition of agility in normal times, whereas the definition of agility for today’s environment when the world is fighting a global pandemic situation is quite different. Businesses today need to mobilize resources efficiently and effectively to ensure their survival.