We have many Ecommerce platforms available that are continually evolving, it can be smoke and mirror and very tricky to decide which shopping cart platform best meets all your needs and suits your company. If you are planning to start your own store or perhaps have gone through the idea of building your own online store, you must have gone through this ordeal at some point.
Team Daffodil
Recent Posts
eCommerce Battle - Choosing the Right Platform for your Shop
By Team Daffodil on Jun 30, 2016 9:58:15 AM
A Sneak Peak into Android Instant Apps
By Team Daffodil on Jun 17, 2016 5:49:28 PM
Google showed us a sneak peak of Android Instant Apps at the Google I/O 2016 which is nothing but a Google’s effort to make apps run instantly without installation. We have read the stories and heard the whispers and have finally come to understanding what Android Instant Apps are all about.
Is Technology in Healthcare Poised for Disruption?
By Team Daffodil on Jun 14, 2016 1:47:24 PM
The global healthcare market has opened its arms for its payers, providers, consumers and investors with a worth of $9.59 Trillion. With the new entrants in the digital era, there is huge disruption seen within the traditional system of healthcare industry (as we referred in our recent blog). The new entrants have introduced pathways for virtual health which is more affordable and convenient for fitness and wellness. These new entrants use technologies that are taking full advantage of innovations seen in this outdated sector.
Mobile Wars II - Attack of the Hybrid Apps
By Team Daffodil on Jun 10, 2016 5:00:58 PM
Mobile app development market was already quite warm with intense rivalry between platform specific pure native apps and cross-platform HTML5 web apps or better known as hybrid apps, that is, native Android and iOS apps going against Phonegap and Ionic web apps. A newer and very noticeable player entered the tournament, not so recently though, with full strength and heavy artillery - React Native by Facebook. The battlefield is further heated up with Telerik bringing Angular 2 NativeScript.
9 Ways in which Swift is better than Objective-C
By Team Daffodil on May 26, 2016 4:43:41 PM
Old languages never die they just fade away but development companies who stick with old languages are bound to see an early grave. While Apple hasn’t stated all its goals for the language yet, the launches of Xcode 6, Playgrounds, and Swift together signal Apple’s intent to make app development easier and more approachable than with any other development tool chain.
Startup Strategy - Which Open Source CMS to choose?
By Team Daffodil on May 24, 2016 4:44:28 PM
Choosing the right CMS is like choosing the right house to build your home. And when it comes to businesses who have just embarked on their journey to join the new age startup phenomenon, the case of right technology stack becomes more and more eminent.
How UI/UX Influence The Success Of Your App
By Team Daffodil on May 19, 2016 4:55:37 PM
Any businessman who invests funds in app developement would always want the best ROI. Now here comes the question of app development and what aspect of it would help in generating income more. And out of these aspects, UI/UX has turned out to be the most beneficial factor.
AngularJS - Optimizing your app
By Team Daffodil on May 16, 2016 7:07:12 PM
AngularJS can have performance problems when you start to scale your application. You may notice that your AngularJS application works well at first but as it grows in complexity, so does its load time. The problem amplifies when the application is opened on mobile device as that tends to be more slower because of obvious performance difference between desktop browser and mobile browser.
From an Idea to an App - How not to fail
By Team Daffodil on May 10, 2016 3:27:24 PM
Apps fail all the time and so do ideas. It is agonizing if you are the conceiver of the idea or the developer behind the app and it's even worse if you are both.
How Mobile Apps Can Fuel Your Business
By Team Daffodil on May 5, 2016 6:50:13 PM
Mobile technology has created a huge opportunity for enterprises to create a paradigm to reduce cost, increase productivity and smoother business transaction. The continuous increase of wireless network and increasing use of mobile devices have generated potential to transform business, boost growth and performance and are increasing generating their demand in almost every business vertical. Till the time you will not experience mobile technology, using mobile apps, you cannot expect the target audience to act as potential customers.