The wonderful world of startups is full of excitement and hard work. Sheer business ideas simply do not cut the cake, you need a sharp edge of technology to deliver your best value.
Frontend Technologies that Spell Magic for Startups
By Team Daffodil on Aug 24, 2015 12:07:34 PM
5 Simple Yet Proven Ways to Enhance Website Performance Overnight
By Team Daffodil on Aug 19, 2015 12:00:50 AM
Every business is on web in today's world. This fact alone makes it increasingly important to make sure a company's website is updated and performing. Any lapse in website performance can lead to loss to precious customers and tons of bad customer reviews. Here a 5 simple yet proven tips to enhance your website performance by 40%.
Tying Knots with the Right Technology Partners
By Team Daffodil on Aug 11, 2015 5:57:47 PM
My previous post talked about the challenges a startup faces when put against the onus of handling technology on its own. I mentioned how in-house talent can be the god given remedy but what if you are devoid of that option?
Blank Drop Down Lists in IE9: A Quick Solution to an Intricate Problem
By Team Daffodil on Jul 16, 2015 7:18:37 PM
In all the problems that we have come across, there have been some which were persistent and perplexing yet still the solution lied just under our nose. A similar problem that we faced recently is for certain a very common issue a lot of IE9 users come across.
How to Make Use of App::Make() In Laravel 4 for Rendering Views
By Team Daffodil on Feb 18, 2015 3:14:46 PM
Getting stuff done with Laravel 4 using the App::make() method is extremely safe and rather a better approach to decouple dependencies from each other. While you type hint a dependency in the constructor method, the Laravel framework automatically injects dependencies by reading the type of its dependent object while using App::make() behind the scene.