Over the last few years we have been hearing stories of Android's tremendous growth as a mobile operating system. Recent surveys showed that Android devices account for close to three-fourth of all smartphones in the world. Now if you thought it's all about Android everywhere, here is some food for thought - Apple iOS accounts for almost as much user base on Facebook as compared to Android. It is quite an achievement for one of the world's most popular mobile operating systems which has always been known for its classiness but has not had the numbers on its side for the last few years.
iOS or Android- Which one is more liked by Facebook users?
By Kunwar Jolly on Mar 14, 2013 11:21:47 AM
Google's Checklist for Android App Developers
By Team Daffodil on Feb 6, 2013 12:58:39 PM
Whosoever thinks that the smart phones are only a passing trend and will soon be long gone, is definitely only kidding themselves. In this age where texting, video calling is replacing traditional calling and people carrying out important activities straight away from their smart phones, one can safely predict a prolific increase in the requirement of highly efficient and technically sound apps.
Android Jelly Bean 4.2 - What's New from Google Now?
By Team Daffodil on Jan 9, 2013 2:08:04 PM