If you are dealing with a mammoth amount of data and need latency-free operations, AWS Outposts can fulfill most of your needs. It is one of the fastest-growing innovations and complements the implementation of emerging technologies like A.I. and machine learning.
Nora Winkens

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Rackspace and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are the two most popular cloud hosting companies. Rackspace, founded in 1998, offers computing services such as virtual servers, cloud storage, and managed services. AWS came into existence much later in 2006 with services such as infrastructure facilities, server-less computing, and hosted Kubernetes to offer.
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Why Flutter Uses Dart?
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In 2011, Xamarin—a software company now owned by Microsoft—created a framework for hybrid mobile applications with C#. What made this new framework differentiate itself from others is its simplicity in creating a single code base that works across multiple platforms. After this, many frameworks have been introduced on the market, including Ionic, ReactJS, React Native, and many more.
AWS V/s Azure: An Enterprise Perspective
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Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure are the top 2 cloud service providers with a combined market share of more than 50% of the total cloud market. If there aren’t financial constraints, these two are the obvious choices when opting for cloud services. However, choosing one of them can be tricky.
Infrastructure as Code: The Key Offering of AWS DevOps
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AWS was the first to offer Infrastructure as Code (IaC) via AWS CloudFormation as a part of AWS DevOps. It enables developers and systems administrators to easily create and manage a collection of related AWS resources. They can provision and update them in an orderly and predictable way. Developers can use AWS CloudFormation’s sample templates or create their own templates. The concept of IaC is as old as the practice of DevOps. There are many experts who argue that DevOps wouldn’t be possible without the use of IaC.
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