Software Development Insights | Daffodil Software

How to Leverage AI to Increase Platform Adoption

Written by Rashi Chandra | May 27, 2024 6:30:00 AM

When it comes to a platform's success, it is not only defined by its features but also by its ability to attract and retain its users. However, many organizations struggle with user adoption due to several factors such as lack of awareness, complex usability, and many others.

So, how do businesses make their platforms stand out in an increasingly competitive environment? The answer is in the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). When AI is incorporated into digital platforms, businesses are able to provide personalized user experiences that are more efficient and interesting thus driving adoption of the platform.

In this blog, we will explore how AI can be used to increase platform adoption as well as provide some essential insights for business growth and innovation.

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Key Metrics to Consider While Gauging Platform Adoption


Platform adoption refers to the number of users using a digital platform. It is an important indicator as the more users utilize a platform, the more value it delivers. High platform adoption generates network effects, which means that the value of a platform increases with the addition of users. 

This can expand and lead to higher revenue generated from advertisements, subscriptions, and transaction fees. A highly accepted platform can dominate its market, deter competitors, and attract more investments because of its feasibility.

To understand if a platform is doing well involves considering several key aspects such as:


As the name suggests, this refers to how often and long users visit the platform. If users are engaged and spend a significant amount of time on the site it indicates that they find the content valuable.

If we consider an example of YouTube, so it uses metrics such as watch time, the number of likes, comments, and shares on videos to measure user involvement. A high level of interaction on the platform indicates that viewers find the content entertaining or informative, which makes the platform beneficial for advertisers and content creators.


User Growth: 

It indicates whether more users are starting to use the platform over time. A consistent increase in users indicates that the platform is becoming more well-liked and effectively meeting user needs.

For example, Slack tracks the number of new teams and businesses using its platform for workplace communication to determine the growth of its user base. The consistent user growth at Slack suggests that companies find it beneficial for improving productivity and collaboration.



This aspect evaluates how often users return to the platform after signing up. A high rate of retention indicates that users find the platform valuable and engaging. This is an important indicator of how well the platform will sustain users' attention and contentment over time.

For instance, Amazon Prime measures retention by monitoring subscription renewals and the continuous use of benefits like free delivery, Prime Video, and Prime Music. High retention rates show that users regularly find value in their subscriptions.

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Overcoming Key Challenges in Adopting New Platforms through AI


Insufficient Market Visibility

A major obstacle to platform adoption is a lack of awareness among potential users. Even with strong features and benefits, a platform may struggle if its targeted audience is unaware of its existence. This issue often arises from ineffective marketing, poor SEO, and a lack of social media presence. Furthermore, insufficient communication of the platform's unique selling points (USPs) can deter potential users from realizing its benefits and spending their time.

AI can increase market awareness through tailored marketing initiatives and improved SEO. AI generates campaigns that resonate with potential users by analyzing user data, hence increasing awareness and interest. Furthermore, AI techniques improve SEO by discovering effective keywords and improving content, making the platform simpler to find in search results.


User Interface Complexity: 

A platform that is not user-friendly can limit the adoption. Users choose platforms that are simple to use and take minor effort to understand.

AI-powered user interfaces have the potential to improve interface complexity. It can analyze user interactions and provide interface improvements to make the platform more intuitive, such as customized layout changes and simpler navigation paths. 


User Resistance: 

A major challenge is resistance when it comes to the adoption of new technologies, usually because of comfort with existing solutions. It may be believed by users that navigating through a new platform will take too much time and be difficult.

AI can help reduce resistance to change by delivering individualized training and behavioral insights. It creates tailored training modules based on individual needs and learning speeds, making transitions easier. 


Privacy and Security Concerns: 

With increasing concerns about data breaches and privacy, users may be hesitant to utilize a new platform if they are uncertain whether their data will be protected.

AI can improve data privacy and security by implementing advanced security measures and ensuring privacy compliance. It can incorporate advanced threat detection and response systems that employ machine learning algorithms to identify and mitigate potential security risks in real-time, providing users with a more secure experience. 

ALSO READ: Using AI to Enhance Self-Service in SaaS Applications


Strategies to Leverage AI to Increase Platform Adoption


To leverage AI effectively for platform adoption, businesses can implement several strategic approaches such as:

  • Streamlined Onboarding Processes: Platforms can use AI-driven onboarding to help new users get started. These procedures can adapt to user behaviors and assist as required. AI can also categorize users based on their interaction with the site and provide a personalized onboarding experience.

  • Personalized User Experience: Platforms can use AI to assess individual user data and provide personalized experiences. These systems can deliver customized information and product recommendations based on user preferences by using machine learning algorithms.

  • Improved Customer Support with AI: AI chatbots and virtual assistants can provide immediate assistance, enhancing customer service by being available around the clock. This ensures that customers' concerns are addressed promptly. The AI can also connect complex queries to the right human agent, hastening the time for responses and increasing the effectiveness of problem-solving to provide customers with a more effective and satisfying experience.

  • Predictive Analytics: AI can be applied by the platforms to analyze previous data about users and predict future actions. The capability of forecasting allows the platform to understand what the user may require next and enhance the user experience by including features that respond to those predictions.

  • AI-Enhanced Marketing and Outreach for Platforms: Platforms can use AI to increase outreach efficacy by using user data to personalize marketing messaging. AI can analyze user behavior, demographics, and interests to tailor advertising to particular users, enhancing user acquisition and engagement. 


Final Thoughts

AI is a game changer in digital platforms as it provides these platforms with a personalized, efficient, and engaging experience to attract users. Incorporating AI-driven functionalities into the platforms can improve user acquisition and satisfaction through easier onboarding processes, predictive analytics, and much more. It’s not just an advantage for businesses but a need for long-term success and sustainability.

To overcome the integration challenges of AI, you need expert guidance and that is where Daffodil Software comes in. With our expertise, we can help you implement leading AI technologies that will drive platform adoption rates and help you achieve your business objectives.

If you want to elevate your platform with AI, schedule a no-obligation consultation with our specialists now!