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Feature-Driven Development vs. Scrum Sprints: Choosing the Right Approach

Written by Nikita Sachdeva | Apr 10, 2024 4:30:00 AM

When considering agile methodologies, Scrum typically takes center stage in the discussion due to its long-standing status as the preferred choice among product managers for the past 15 years. However, an in-depth analysis of the annual State of Agile reports reveals a shifting landscape, where alternative methodologies such as Feature-Driven Development (FDD) are gaining prominence.  

While FDD may not enjoy the same level of attention or adoption as other agile methodologies, it presents an intriguing option, particularly for those technology leaders seeking to effectively scale agile development for large-scale, long-term projects.

This article will help you understand when to use FDD and Scrum effectively by comparing them. But first, let's briefly overview what each method entails.

What is Feature-Driven Development?


Feature-driven development is a methodology in software development centered on promptly delivering operational features to users within a stipulated time frame. Frequently employed within agile software development contexts, FDD enables teams to swiftly provide user value and adapt to evolving requirements.

 In FDD, the development workflow revolves around concise development cycles termed "feature iterations." Each iteration is dedicated to crafting and validating a distinct functional aspect of the application. The primary objective of each iteration is to provide users with a thoroughly tested, fully operational feature.

Why CTOs Should Opt for Feature-Driven Development?


Consider adopting the FDD methodology when your project expands beyond the capacity of smaller Scrum teams to manage effectively. This agile approach is particularly suitable for enduring projects characterized by continual evolution and the addition of features in predictable cycles.

FDD accommodates scalability, ranging from modest teams to large cross-functional ones, by consistently prioritizing customer needs and desires.

Advantages of Feature-Driven Development:


  • Enhances team comprehension of project scope and context significantly.
  • Minimizes the need for meetings; unlike Scrum, which relies on daily meetings for communication, FDD emphasizes documentation.
  • Adopts a user-centric perspective; whereas Scrum often designates the product manager as the end user, FDD regards the client as such.
  • Thrives in the realm of expansive, long-term, or ongoing projects, offering scalability that aligns with your company's growth trajectory. Its structured, five-step process facilitates swift onboarding for new team members or hires.
  • Divides feature sets into manageable segments, facilitating iterative releases and streamlining error detection and correction. This approach mitigates risks and enables prompt adjustments to meet client requirements.

Five Stages of Feature-Driven Development 


1) Develop an overall model

In this initial stage, FDD encourages teams to construct an object model addressing the domain problem. Unlike other approaches, FDD modeling is a collaborative, iterative process involving cross-functional team members such as developers, domain experts, and chief programmers. Together, they craft a model for the domain area under the guidance of a Chief Architect. The objective is to have various teams propose different models, which are later reviewed and either chosen or combined. Ultimately, the domain area model is integrated into the overarching model.

This approach serves as an effective project kickoff, fostering a deep understanding of the project and facilitating clear communication among team members.

2) Compiling the feature list

Following the establishment of the project's domain model, the subsequent step is to compile a list of all necessary features. This process resembles creating a product backlog in Scrum. Software development experts convene to identify essential features for the client and end-users, defining project features as outcomes, objects, and actions. Feature teams aim to develop designated functionalities within two-week intervals. If any functionality requires more time, it is broken down into smaller features.

3) Plan by feature

As the name suggests, this phase primarily involves organizing and planning the order in which features will be implemented. Factors such as dependencies, potential risks, team and individual workload, among others, are considered to anticipate obstacles that may impede feature development. Following these considerations, feature sets are allocated to developers capable of completing them within the specified time frame.

4) Design By Feature (DBF)

Throughout all stages, insights gained from the initial modeling process are utilized. The chief programmer selects a group of features to be prioritized for development and determines the domain classes involved. Once the feature team is assembled, they collaborate to analyze and design solutions for each feature, with the domain expert leading this effort.

5) Build By Feature (BBF)

After designing features, the final step is their implementation. All necessary approaches and components to support feature design are implemented. This includes designing the user interface and creating/testing a software prototype. Once the feature team's designed functionalities pass testing, the completed version is integrated into the project's main codebase and deployed for client use.

What is Scrum?


Scrum stands as a widely embraced framework within agile software development, fostering iterative and incremental product development. At its core:

The Product Owner curates and prioritizes a backlog of desired features, termed the Product Backlog. During sprint planning sessions, the team selects a portion of work from the backlog, creating the Sprint Backlog, and strategizes how to execute these tasks.

Guiding the team is the Scrum Master, who ensures alignment with objectives and addresses any impediments that arise.

Work progresses within defined time frames known as sprints, typically lasting between two to four weeks, with daily scrums held to monitor progress.

Upon sprint completion, the team aims to present a potentially shippable product increment, followed by a review with stakeholders and a retrospective discussion within the team. This cyclical process continues with each new sprint, as the team selects further items from the backlog for implementation.

The iterative nature of Scrum persists until the backlog is satisfactorily addressed, resources are depleted, or deadlines are met. It's important to recognize that Scrum isn't a prescriptive software methodology; rather, it underscores communication, learning, inspection, and feedback. Rooted in the empirical philosophy that knowledge is derived from experience, Scrum stands in contrast to the more rigid, plan-driven Waterfall approach.

ALSO READ: Understanding a Scrum Team: Roles, Responsibilities, & Importance


FDD vs Scrum: Differences





Organizational Structure

More aligned with specialised roles (e.g., "chief programmer")

Flat, collective decision-making

Design and Development Techniques

Emphasizes feature-specific plans and designs, with focus on domain modeling

Doesn't prescribe specific techniques, often incorporates elements of XP

Product Increment Delivery

Divides work into feature sets, each with own development cycle

Small increments for rapid delivery

Iteration Length

Does not enforce fixed-length iterations; timelines are based on feature delivery rather than sprints

Relies on fixed-length iterations known as sprints, typically lasting 2-4 weeks

Planning Meetings

Emphasizes creating feature-specific plans and designs

Sprint planning meetings to define sprint goals

Feedback Mechanism

Incorporates feedback loops within feature development cycles

Provides feedback opportunities at the end of each sprint

Project Reporting

Provides detailed progress reports on feature completion and overall project status

Generates reports on sprint progress, burndown charts, and velocity metrics

Time Management

Provides flexibility in development timelines

Focuses on time-boxed sprints

Customer Involvement

Emphasizes collaboration with customers for feature definition and validation

Engages customers primarily through sprint reviews and backlog refinement sessions


When to Choose FDD over Scrum?


Feature Driven Development (FDD) may be the preferred option if the organization prioritizes scaling and domain design over agility. FDD is particularly effective when the team possesses strong modeling skills, as domain design and modeling are central to its methodology.

Additionally, FDD is beneficial when the majority of requirements are well understood in advance and remain relatively stable. However, it's important to note that you should opt for FDD methodology when you are required to deliver a list of features in a single release. Instead of breaking down work into time-boxed sprints, FDD organizes work around features that provide tangible value to the end-user.

While Scrum is a suitable choice when dealing with fluctuating or ambiguous requirements. The division between Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog allows the team to focus sharply on a specific piece of work, while providing the product owner with the flexibility to adjust and alter the project scope.

Scrum is also advantageous when seeking a framework for product management or development, as it focuses on these aspects rather than specific engineering techniques, unlike FDD.

ALSO READ: Kanban vs Scrum: How do these Agile Frameworks Differ?


Final Insights: Picking the Right Development Method


Ultimately, the decision between FDD and Scrum hinges on project specifics and organizational priorities. FDD offers rigor and scalability, while Scrum provides flexibility and responsiveness. By understanding the unique strengths of each methodology and aligning them with project goals, teams can maximize their chances of success in today’s dynamic software development landscape.

Still uncertain about which agile framework is the best fit for your project? Look no further! Our team has the expertise to guide you towards the perfect choice. Schedule a no-obligation consultation with us.