Software Development Insights | Daffodil Software

[eBook] 5 Proven Steps to Adopt DevOps Culture in your Organization

Written by Archna Oberoi | Jan 29, 2018 4:54:47 PM


DevOps is a business-driven approach that utilizes agile methodology, automation, and collaboration for seamless product development. Often considered as a ‘disciplined agile practice’, DevOps emphasizes upon integration of development and operations team for delivering better, frequent product cycles.

With a number of advantages that Agile and DevOps offer to improve product development cycle, their adoption in the IT sphere is quite obvious. However, 90% of the organizations fail when they try to drive a DevOps initiative without nurturing a cultural shift, according to Gartner.

A number of teams still misinterpret DevOps with using tools. Rather, DevOps is a cultural shift from traditional development methodologies that involve continuous integration, continuous delivery, monitoring, testing, configuration and log management. So, if you are planning to move into the DevOps landscape or have already stepped into it (but without thorough planning), then we are here with a rescue plan for you that ascertains success in your endeavours.

This eBook, 5 proven steps to adopt DevOps culture in your organization shares tried-and-tested tips to successfully switch from the traditional development approach to DevOps. This 12 page eBook will cover the following:

  • Understanding DevOps (in simple words) and its importance in improving product development cycle.
  • 5 important steps for implementation of DevOps (when the organization is currently using the traditional development model).

Download this free eBook that shares a trusted approach and steps for a seamless transition from traditional product development methodology to DevOps.