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How Mobile Apps Can Fuel Your Business

Written by Team Daffodil | May 5, 2016 1:20:13 PM

Mobile technology has created a huge opportunity for enterprises to create a paradigm to reduce cost, increase productivity and smoother business transaction. The continuous increase of wireless network and increasing use of mobile devices have generated potential to transform business, boost growth and performance and are increasing generating their demand in almost every business vertical. Till the time you will not experience mobile technology, using mobile apps, you cannot expect the target audience to act as potential customers.

Let’s talk stats

# The prediction says that the annual downloads of mobile apps will be increasing by 78.6% to more than 300 billion in 2017

# As per Gartner, by 2017, out of total app interactions wearable devices will drive 50 percent

# 78% business owners trust that mobile apps have resulted to cost saving and time reduction with increase in their sales and revenue to almost half a degree.

To meet the needs of customers, mobile apps are constantly being updated which are increasing developer's skills to think and be more imaginative and concrete towards the results. Innovation in mobile app have given consumer immediate satisfaction while company is accumulating direct revenue.

Here are few ways, how mobile apps can fuel your business

Branding and Boosting Traffic

When a user will use the app, your brand name and logo will be continuously visible. This will ensure that your brand is alive in the mentality of the user. A great app will increase your branding as users would be using it most of time. It will actually increase traffic to your business when your app will be linked to social platforms. 61% customers are satisfied with a brand by their great experience on its mobile app. Infact customers can recommend your app with their peers and others which will again increase your brand awareness.

Customer Base Expansion

The best advantage of having your own app is to increase your product reach. Your product reach will not be just limited to local audience. You will then just need good digital marketing approach towards it. Many users prefer mobile app on daily move rather than other digital avenues.

Increase Revenue

Increased shopping means increase in sales and revenue. Maximum users use mobile apps to shop for any product, services or book tickets. A mobile app acts as a store which is open every second. It becomes extremely simple to order a product or service. Mobile apps integrate payment technologies such as Apple Pay or still-to-come Google Pay which resolves payment issues while shopping. This helps in saving time of the users.

Customer Engagement

When it comes to customer engagement, Mobile apps are far ahead than any other digital utilization. It could be easily installed and used within seconds. While shopping or extracting any information, mobile apps offer contextual and responsive capacity as per location of customer such as contact number and it gives ease to access with proper flexibility to get back to home screen without any complications.

Service Optimization

For any business it is very important to retain their customers and this is now possible through mobile apps. They can address number of issues on continuous basis as it just takes a second and you can provide guaranteed quality service. In this regard, apps also help in data collection and maintaining communication with customers through which they can respond to all outages and give customers a good experience.

Concluding the article, I would like to mention that Mobile apps really have the potential and power to enhance business growth. No one can deny that mobile apps give competitive advantage to your business and increase your customer base.

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