
5 Proven steps to adopt DevOps Culture in your organization

DevOps is a culture, a philosophy that is being practiced by many companies across the globe to increase productivity, reduce costs, and boost the overall revenue. It challenges the long withstanding beliefs, processes and assumptions and asks for a more collaborative and accountable way for software development.

However, switching to Devops is no easy affair. It is a paradigm shift. It isn't a process or an approach, but rather a cultural shift. People are often reticent to replace their long entrenched traditional development processes and also fear the cost that comes with the change, plus the cost in case the transition goes south.

Gartner predicts that  90% of the organizations fail when they try to drive a DevOps initiative without nurturing a cultural shift. Hence, it is of utmost  importance to visit the cultural aspects while transitioning to DevOps.

Here we take a look at 5 easy steps that you can follow to adopt DevOps culture in your organization. 

In this 12 page ebook, you will find:

  • - What does DevOps culture mean and how it will impact your company
  • - How you can initiate a cultural change in your development team
  • - How to build a rockstar DevOps team
  • - Best practices of implementing DevOps for your industry   

Hopefully, the steps covered in this ebook will help you build and implement a successful DevOps team that can speed up your product development.