Software Development Insights | Daffodil Software

The Hidden Costs of Choosing a Wrong Software Development Partner

Written by Neha Dhiman | Jul 22, 2024 9:30:00 AM

Globally, 1 in every 2 outsourced projects either fail outright or fail to meet the client’s requirements.

Most software development projects fail or lose momentum because organizations choose a software development company based on cost comparisons or skill sets in any specific technology. However, this approach can slowly lead to a growth gridlock and push you way behind your business goals.

Let’s explore the common challenges with the traditional outsourcing model and what we, at Daffodil Software, can do to bring the focus back to innovation and growth.

Potential Pitfalls of Traditional Software Outsourcing Model


Source: Forbes


1. The Drawbacks of Time & Money (T&M) Model:


Traditionally, software development companies work on a time-and-money (T&M) model, where the costs are pre-defined against the billable hours. This is regardless of the output quality or the efficiency of the final solution. While this may add flexibility to the software development process, it often benefits the vendors more than that of the organization. Consequently, the organization are at the receiving end of budget overruns, delayed timelines and subpar outcomes. Also, when it comes to achieving critical project milestones, this misalignment can leave you and your team frustrated with the software development company. 

2. Lack of Business Alignment:


Not setting clear expectations at the start of the project and communicating the end goals to the software development company is one of the most overlooked reasons for the failure of IT projects. This can lead to efforts that are not aligned with business goals resulting in wasted time, efforts and resources. Further, collaboration bottlenecks can cause frequent revisions, misaligned priorities and a disconnect between project outcome and organization’s strategic objectives.

3. Vendor Lock-In Trap:


With too much dependency on the vendor, switching software development companies can become a daunting task for the client. Organizations avoid making the switch because of the intricacies involved in transferring project knowledge, navigating technical nuances & legal obligations that bind them to the vendor. Further, re-establishing workflows with a new vendor can be both time-consuming and complex. Lastly, the fear of repeating their past failures, holds back organizations considering a change.

4. Poor Quality Issues:


Since traditional software development companies are more focussed on the completion of the project rather than the quality, this can lead to several inconsistencies in the post-development stage, resulting in a sluggish & unstable product at the end. Such applications usually accumulate technical debt over time requiring additional resources, time and efforts to fix the past mistakes. From a consumer’s perspective, it can cause dissatisfaction and loss of business opportunities in the long run.

5. Inefficiencies in Project Management:


"42% of enterprises undervalue PM, half of which face project failures.“

It is estimated that at least 42% of businesses overlook the PM process, leading to inefficiencies in the software development cycle & eventually resulting in failures of half of them. The impact of this oversight compounds when a wrong software development company gets on board. Organizations often struggle with low project transparency and face unforeseen setbacks in achieving project success.

ALSO READ: Why Choosing the Right Software Development Methodology Matters?


Beyond the Plateau: Getting to the Right Software Development Company

With a narrowed focus on just cost and technological skill set, there’s no fair guarantee of the project's success. Your software development company needs a comprehensive understanding of your software product, your approach to software architecture, your user base, and your future goals. 

We, at Daffodil Software, have enabled success for various tech-driven companies to shift from the traditional software development approach and get to speed and value. Here’s what we do differently:

1. Feature-Based Pricing:


At Daffodil Software, we believe in mutual success. Our transparent pricing model aligns cost directly with the features and functionalities that your project requires, instead of the traditional ways where the cost of the overall project is fixed. Here, you pay for the specific enhancements that add value to your project & maximize your ROI. In short, we win - only when you do.

2. 50% Faster Feature Roll-outs with Architecture-first approach:


Our architecture-first approach enables us to develop solutions 50% faster than traditional software development methods. With a robust database foundation, early in the development cycle, we ensure fewer occurrences of bugs that in turn streamline the rest of the developmental stages. This helps us accelerate the delivery of important features ensuring both the reliability & stability of your projects.

3. AI-Driven Development:


Our development process integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) across the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), leading to faster time to market and smarter solutions. With AI, we ensure a better quality of modules, refined user stories, improved code and optimized schema. This helps us maintain a higher software development standard for your project right from the start.

4. Smooth Transition:


Through our expertise & meticulous planning, we ensure seamless transfer of knowledge with minimized disruptions - to help you make the shift from your current software development company. Our approach helps maintain continuity in operations & ensures long-term success and operational excellence.

5. Flexible and Scalable Modular Design:


We break down the entire software system into distinct manageable modules. This break-up ensures your software is well-developed, tested & maintained at every stage of the SDLC.

6. Robust Schema Design:


Our early emphasis on schema designs ensures that your system is scalable enough to grow with your business, as time evolves. Our foundation supports seamless integrations guaranteeing a well-organized & efficient software cycle. 

7. Seamless API Integration:


In order to ensure that your APIs are well documented and secure, we develop them as functions of each module. This eases the process of communication between external systems and other modules.

8. Incremental and Transparent Development: 


Our incremental development strategy helps us ensure continuous feedback incorporation in the process. This transparency allows you to have a clear picture of where the development is focussed on, at that moment, making it easier to manage and maintain the software over time.

9. ER Diagrams:


At Daffodil, we recognize the value of Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams and their crucial role in developing robust & scalable databases. This is why, we integrate the ER diagram creation process as a standard practice during the database design phase, to set a solid foundation for your applications. 

With ER diagrams, potential issues can be identified early in the process & fixed before the next stage, reducing the likelihood of errors & costly changes later on.

Offering a clear visual overview of data relationships, they facilitate better communication among team members, especially when collaborating with non-technical stakeholders or bringing new members on board.

Lastly, a well-maintained ER diagram serves as valuable documentation for future reference, helping teams with a peek into the existing database structure while making maintenance and updates more manageable.

Turning the tide towards a faster software development cycle! 

Choosing a wrong software development partner can prove to be detrimental to your organization. In order to achieve business goals, one needs to narrow down their search and choose a partner who is fast, reliable, cost-effective, and can quickly align with your vision.

At Daffodil Software, we prioritize your success by offering faster feature rollouts, AI-driven development, feature-based pricing, & a smooth transition process to ensure your win, before ours. 

Turn the tide in your favor with Daffodil Software. Connect with our team to know how we can help you regain momentum & propel your software development cycle to success - at speed.

Schedule a no-obligation consultation with our experts!