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10 Gen AI Tools to Create Synthetic Data

Written by Neha Dhiman | Sep 28, 2024 5:30:00 AM

Imagine trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle without all the pieces. Won’t be possible, right? While you might be able to make some progress, you won’t be able to finish. Synthetic data is like having all the pieces of the AI puzzle with you -  right at your fingertips. It lets you build and fine-tune your models minus the real-world data limitations. Think of it as a flexible way to train your algorithms with vast amounts of artificial data that closely resembles the real one. Plus, it also helps you sidestep privacy challenges, security risks, and high costs that come with getting access to real-world data. 

Synthetic data is no less of a game-changer with its market size rising at such an exponential pace. To put things into perspective, the global synthetic data market size is expected to reach USD 2.1 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 45.7%. Interesting, right? This surge highlights how organizations are swiftly adopting synthetic data, powered by Generative AI, as a strategic solution for innovation in their category. 

To harness this potential, numerous generative AI tools have emerged specifically for synthetic data creation. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most popular tools, their applications, and the future implications of this exciting technology.


What is Synthetic Data?

Synthetic data is a form of artificial data, that closely mimics the real-world data. However, instead of real-world scenarios and events, it is driven by algorithms and simulations. It is used to train AI models so that they can improve and learn without the risks involved in the real-world. 

To understand it better, let’s say you’re a medical device company that is looking to train AI to diagnose various diseases based on medical images. You could either spend a lot of time and effort on gathering millions of real medical images and tackle privacy concerns with each of them or you could create a digital stimulation of those in the system and create synthetic medical images on different disease conditions in far less time without compromising patient privacy. This is essentially what synthetic data is. 

The Role of Gen AI Tools in Synthetic Data Creation

As the need for high-quality data rises, so does the need for innovative tools that can make data generation a lot more faster and effective. Here’s where Generative AI tools come into play. 

As industries struggle with data scarcity, privacy concerns, and biases in ML models, generating realistic & diverse synthetic datasets becomes even more critical. Unlike traditional methods where significant time and resources went into data collection, Gen AI offers an innovative approach to simulate real-world scenarios and also ensures their compliance with stringent privacy regulations. This coming together of Gen AI with synthetic data creation process not only enhances the robustness of ML models but also minimizes the ethical and legal risks associated with it.

Let’s talk about the varied roles of Gen AI in synthetic data creation, its benefits & potential in the future:

1. Enhanced Data Generation Capabilities 

Gen AI tools utilize sophisticated algorithms and models that include Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs). These produce synthetic data that closely look like real-world datasets.

GANs consist of two neural networks - one is the generator and the other is a discriminator. The generator creates synthetic data, while the discriminator evaluates its authenticity. Imagine a game between two players. One is called a ‘generator’ that creates fake data such as pictures, numbers, etc. while the other player is named a ‘discriminator’ that checks whether the data is from the real world or not. They compete against each other until the generator makes true fake data. This to-and-forth enables high-quality fake data that is very similar to real one.

On the other hand, VAEs utilize probabilistic models to understand the patterns in the real data. With this knowledge in place, VAEs create new data that is not only unique but is also realistic. It’s very similar to making stories based on a book you’ve read. 

2. Addressing Data Scarcity and Bias

With Generative AI tools, you can generate synthetic data especially when working with industries where getting access to real data is hard - such as finance, healthcare, etc. Imagine needing patient data for a new medical study. However, you run into privacy challenges or do not have enough real data. This is where Generative AI tools can help.

Additionally, these also help to tackle the bias around AI models. Since many times datasets don’t represent everyone accurately which can lead to unfair results. Generative AI tools strike a perfect balance with dataset generation, as it is based on a variety of edge cases and scenarios. These tools ensure that the AI models are trained on data that reflect the real-world scenarios leading to fairer and more equitable AI systems.

3. Enhancing Privacy and Security

Synthetic data generated by Gen AI tools offers a solution by mimicking real data without exposing personal or confidential information. This is particularly valuable in industries where data privacy & regulations are stringent.

By utilizing synthetic data, organizations can test their AI systems seamlessly, without compromising on the privacy of their users or customers. This ensures compliance with data protection laws and fosters trust among users as well as stakeholders.

4. Accelerating Research and Development

Researchers can test their hypotheses and algorithms in record time leveraging synthetic data. Having synthetic patient data can help the R&D teams simulate various scenarios and refine their approaches. These can also enable teams to iterate faster, boost their efficiency, and improve their models. For instance, if researchers are studying a rare disease and need to have access to large amounts of data for the same, generative AI tools can come in handy there. They can help with relevant synthetic data that can create a comprehensive & reliable picture for them to work with.

In short, synthetic data empowers organizations to accelerate their R&D efforts, pushing the boundaries of innovation and driving advancements that lead to significant breakthroughs across various industries.

Top 10 Gen AI Tools for Creating Synthetic Data

As we explore synthetic data generation further, it’s essential to highlight the top tools that empower businesses to harness this technology effectively. Here are the top 10 generative AI tools for creating synthetic data, setting the stage for innovation and enhanced data strategies across industries:

1. Synthesia

Synthesia enables the generation of realistic video content through its intuitive platform. By utilizing advanced AI techniques, it allows users to create near-real videos featuring AI avatars as actors in various scenarios - great for industries such as marketing and training, where high-quality visual content is often required for training videos, product demonstrations, personalized messages, etc. 

2. Gretel focuses on synthetic data generation as well as data anonymization. It helps to generate synthetic datasets that replicate the statistical properties of real-world data. This means organizations functioning in various fields, such as data science, finance, healthcare, and research, can utilize this data without exposing sensitive details of their users. 

3. Synthesis AI

Synthesis AI employs sophisticated Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to produce diverse visual datasets such as images and videos for training computer vision models. Utilized in autonomous vehicles, facial recognition, and other AI applications, its tailored synthetic data allows organizations to cut the time and costs associated with data collection while improving model accuracy. 

4. DataSynthesizer

DataSynthesizer is a Python-based tool designed to generate synthetic data while safeguarding the privacy of original datasets. It employs differential privacy techniques to ensure that the synthetic data produced by the application does not disclose any individual data, making it especially valuable in industries where confidentiality is the utmost priority.

5. DataRobot

DataRobot enables organizations to efficiently generate huge datasets for ML & AI application training. The platform delivers datasets that are both varied and representative in nature and facilitates the augmentation of existing datasets. DataRobot enables organizations to maximize their data's potential and improve the ML model’s robustness.

6. Mostly.AI  

Mostly.AI generates realistic synthetic data tailored for AI training, with an emphasis on data privacy. The platform can handle complex data types, such as time series and tabular data. This data is best suited for domains such as finance, insurance, and healthcare research where research and testing are conducted with a focus on safeguarding sensitive information. 


7. Synthetic Data Vault (SDV)  

The Synthetic Data Vault is an open-source initiative that offers a robust framework for generating synthetic data. Developers & researchers can utilize SDV to create synthetic datasets for training machine learning solutions, conducting simulations, and testing hypotheses. The open-source nature of SDV allows users to contribute and improve the framework continuously.

8. puts a strong emphasis on privacy and security, making the generated data suitable for industries such as finance, retail, etc. The platform enables users to test applications and algorithms without risking sensitive information. This is critical for maintaining trust with customers and adhering to crucial compliance standards.

9. Hazy

Hazy is best suited for industries that require stringent data privacy. Similar to the functioning of Gretel, the platform generates synthetic datasets that maintain the statistical characteristics of the original data, ensuring that the results derived from them are meaningful and actionable. 


10. DeepMind's GANs  

DeepMind is known for developing some of the most advanced Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in the industry. It is capable of generating high-fidelity synthetic data for diverse applications. DeepMind produces datasets that are not only realistic but also diverse, enabling researchers to explore a range of scenarios and outcomes minus the limitations of real-world data availability. 

These advanced solutions empower businesses to focus on growth and innovation while facilitating more ethical and efficient data usage. As we look into the future, we can expect significant enhancements in synthetic data generation technologies, further amplifying the capabilities of these tools and making them even more accessible to users. 

That being said, selecting the best GenAI tool for your needs can get a bit confusing with so many choices available. The next section will help you with the same.

How to Choose the Right Gen AI Tool for Your Needs?

When it comes to selecting the right synthetic data tools, making an informed choice can significantly impact your organization’s success and efficiency. Here are some key criteria to consider:


1. Scalability

As your business evolves, your data requirements will inevitably expand as well. Choosing a tool that can seamlessly scale with changing business needs will ensure that you won’t have to frequently switch platforms or invest in new solutions time and again. Look for options that offer flexible deployment models so that they can accommodate increasing data volumes without compromising on performance.


2. Ease of Use

Gen AI tools that have a user-friendly interface allow team members, at all skill levels, to engage with the tool effectively. This helps to minimize the training time and maximize overall productivity. When choosing a tool, consider the ones that offer intuitive features such as visually appealing workflows, drag-and-drop features, clear navigation, etc. The easier a tool is to use, the more likely your team will fully leverage its capabilities.

3. Integration Capabilities

The right Gen AI tool should connect seamlessly with your current databases, analytics software, or any other application that you utilize for your projects. This interoperability will enhance workflow efficiency, allowing for a more cohesive data management approach. A tool that can easily integrate with your current infrastructure will reduce the chances of operational disruptions during implementation, offering a smoother transition and function.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

While you might be inclined towards cheaper options upfront, it's important to assess the long-term costs vs. impact associated with each tool. Look beyond initial licensing fees to include maintenance expenses, potential costs for upgrades, and any hidden fees related to scalability or integration challenges. Assess overall return on investment (ROI) and compare the features and functionalities of each option available to you - against its pricing structure. Expensive tools that offer superior scalability, ease of use, and seamless integration capabilities might ultimately save you money in the long run by reducing inefficiencies and improving productivity.


Unique Applications of Synthetic Data in the Real-World

While the traditional applications of synthetic data in autonomous vehicles, healthcare, finance, and retail are very well-established, there's are a lot of untapped industry potential waiting to be explored. Let's take a deep dive into some unique and innovative use-cases that highlight the importance of synthetic data:


1. Urban Planning and Smart Cities

From creating accurate city models to simulating traffic flow, population density & environmental factors - synthetic data can help planners visualize & analyze urban scenarios more effectively. Utilizing genAI tools to can be helpful in testing various scenarios such as at the time of introducing new public transport system or when installing a new traffic light - before implementing the change physically.

By simulating traffic patterns under different conditions - such as varying weather, time of day, or special events - city planners can identify potential bottlenecks and implement effective solutions. For instance, they can optimize traffic signal timings or design alternative routes to improve overall traffic flow and reduce congestion.

2. Climate Modeling and Prediction

Synthetic data helps to generate vast datasets on weather patterns, environment factors, climate anomalies, etc, that can help to simulate various climate scenarios and assess potential impact of the same.

Researchers can use this synthetic data to create simulations of different climate scenarios, enabling them to analyze potential impacts of climate change on ecosystems, economies, and communities. By assessing these scenarios, policymakers can make informed decisions about resource allocation, environmental regulations, and sustainable development strategies. This proactive approach helps to identify vulnerabilities and implement measures to mitigate climate risks, ultimately fostering resilience against the inevitable changes in our environment.


3. Gaming and Entertainment

Game developers can create Non-player characters (NPCs) that respond to player actions in a more lifelike manner by generating advanced behavioral models utilizing synthetic datasets. This is very different from the scripted responses that many games have. NPCs can give genuine reactions that are contextually appropriate as well. As a result, players experience an elevated gameplay that connects them with the gaming scenarios on a deeper level.

4. Synthetic Drug Discovery and Development

Researchers can simulate patient data and drug interaction scenarios to expedite drug development without needing numerous physical trials. Synthetic data creates diverse patient profiles with variations in lifestyle, genetics, and disease states to enable a 360-degree understanding of how different populations respond to new therapies. This can significantly cut down on financial resources as well as time that goes into traditional drug development. Synthetic data can also facilitate the simulation of various biochemical interactions, leading to effective and safer drug formulations reaching the market.

5. Cultural Heritage Preservation and Restoration

Researchers can generate realistic-looking images and 3D models based on historical data leveraging synthetic data technologies. It not only aids in physical restorations but also allows for virtual reconstructions. Which means future generations can engage with and learn from their cultural heritage that may be geographically or physically inaccessible. Through these efforts, synthetic data emerges as a powerful tool in safeguarding our collective past and enriching cultural narratives.

ALSO READ: Everything You Should Know About Synthetic Data in 2024


Embrace the Future with These Game-Changing Gen AI Tools for Enhanced Data Strategy

The future of synthetic data is bound to evolve with the changing landscape of generative AI technology. With advancements in ML algorithms, we can expect many more sophisticated AI tools to generate high-quality synthetic data with striking accuracy. This shift won’t just enhance the capabilities of data-driven applications but will also enable access to valuable datasets, enabling smaller organizations to compete on a more level playing field.

However, as we embrace these innovations, ethical considerations surrounding synthetic data usage must be kept in mind. The potential for misuse or misrepresentation of generated data raises many Important questions about accountability and transparency. As we predict future trends in AI tools, it’s crucial that developers and organizations to prioritize ethical standards & ensure that the generated data safeguards against potential risks.

Connect with our experts in a no-obligation consultation to explore how your business can benefit from leveraging synthetic data, and harness the true potential of Gen AI tools.